Winter is here and it is a season filled with light, warmth, rest and growth.
Like the new moon times of the year, winter can be a special time of going within and caring for ourselves.
Wherever you are, I invite you to turn your attention inward. Notice how you are feeling in mind and body without judgment. Observe yourself in the moment you are in. It may be helpful to place a hand on your heart and a hand on your lower belly. Feel into the softness of your body breathing in and out. Ask yourself what is needed and give yourself a few moments to listen. Perhaps it's a simple act of nourishment with food or water, maybe it's a change in body position or the need to take a break and rest. Offering a quality of gratitude and loving kindness to yourself is a powerful energy shifter.
Here are a few practices to help sustain your self care.
Gentle Chair Yoga is a ~40 minute seated yoga practice to boost energy and presence as we continue to navigate all that is heavy in this world. This video can be practiced anywhere, anytime you need support and renewal.
Rest & Restore is a guided meditation I wrote a few years ago that explores the mind and body through the observation of breath and sensation. This winter meditation offers steadiness and stillness bringing rest to the body, heart and mind.
Winter Solstice Flow is a zoom practice I recorded in December 2020. This video is an active breath and movement flow intended to stoke our inner fire for the year ahead.
These classes are recorded from my home in Melrose located on native land of the Massachusetts/Pawtucket tribe. I found these websites helpful in learning the history of the land and how to support the ongoing reparation for those who came before us.
Thanks for contributing to the collective care of this community by showing up just as you are and continuing to inspire me.
Wishing you all an easeful close to 2023 and a spark of hope to ignite our New Year.
Mandala is a Sanskrit word meaning both "circle" and "center" representing the visible world around us and the invisible world within us.
For December's nature mandala I placed pinecones, rocks, a sea urchin, quartz, onyx, malachite, labradorite, snowflake obsidian, aventurine and turquoise inside a wreath of cedar evergreens. These mandalas symbolize intention in the ordinary moments of the day and staying connected to the earth as the seasons change. Look around your home, go outside for a walk, get into nature and see what beauty you can gather. Nature mandalas are easy to create, just follow your inner wisdom.
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