Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Conscious Footing

Pada Bhanda

Foot seal

Connecting all aspects of our feet to the earth is a sensation that feels grounding, stabilizing, and steady.

The practice of yoga allows for this awareness of conscious footing by exploring all the ways the foot, ankle, and lower leg can move, support, and strengthen.

Press into all four corners of each foot. Become aware of how the inner heel, outer heel, great toe pad, and small toe pad make contact with the surface you are standing upon. 

Once you feel into these areas, begin to lift the heel and press into the base of the toes.

Press into the heel and lift the toes.

Move the foot around and press into the outside aspect of the foot.

Press into the inside aspect of the foot.

Curl the toes under and lift the heel to feel into the top of the foot. 

Explore these various positions within each foot and notice how you feel before, during, and after. 

Increasing sensation around the foot heightens our awareness of how we step into our lives. It is possible to become more consciously connected to our feet, to stand with confidence, to leave an imprint with respect for the earth, and perhaps extend that connection as action into our world. 

Each month a FREE community class is offered as a resource that incorporates mindful breathing, movement, and meditation techniques. As a person who has anxiety, I have found these practices to be beneficial for coping, support, and connection. 

Community Class

Virtual Slow Flow Yoga


730p-845p ET

email: for link

In addition to offering a free class, every month I highlight an organization that supports the needs of others and make a donation to their efforts. My hope is that others will donate $$ that would be spent on a yoga class to a cause that needs support. 

Together Rising is a non-profit organization that delivers help and aid directly to the communities in need. This month their dedication is to urgent COVID relief in India and around the globe. 

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