Here are some ways to move this week. Inspired by sweet William and the waning moon of April. As we enter the last quarter phase of this moon cycle, the moon looks half illuminated, and takes the shape of a pie sliced in half. The season of Spring has been turbulent. March into April has brought continued difficulties, last quarter moon phases are powerful times that swiftly shift energy and emotion within us and outside of us. The changing phases of the moon are a symbol to connect with life transitions. Nothing stays the same, change is inevitable, and this too shall pass.
Lean into the last quarter waning moon energy with these yoga poses.
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Half Moon pose 'Ardha Chandrasana' |
Stay grounded through both feet, breathe in to lift arms up and out of the waist, press the palms together. Breathe out as you reach to the side. Repeat a few times reaching right and left, then release back to center.
Stay safe: If it is difficult to raise the arms overhead, place hands on hips or at heart center. If there is low back sensitivity, bend the knees.
Benefits: This side stretch elongates the spine, and opens up the spaces between the ribs. Use the inhaling breath to isolate the intercostal muscles that are often inflexible. Exhale back to center.
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Mountain pose 'Tadasana' |
Centering and Grounding:
Stand with your feet wider than hip width. Press down through your feet to connect with Earth energy. Stabilize your core, by tucking your pelvis slightly to encourage your tail bone down. Lift up and out of the waist on an inhale raising both arms overhead. Exhale pressing palms together. Breathe in and breathe out, staying steady, focused, and strong. Aim for a round of 3-5 whole body breaths while in this steadying pose.
*Adding in breath retention (Antara Kumbhaka) after the inhale helps keep the lungs healthy and resilient. Try holding the inhale breath for 1-3 seconds in an effort to expand and encourage gas exchange within the upper, middle and lower lobes of the lungs, then exhale.
Stay Safe: Mountain pose emphasizes the importance of alignment. Invite the breath in as you mindfully scan the body. Feet are pressing into the Earth, ankles and knees are soft not rigid, and the pelvis is secure to support the spine and hips. Roll the shoulders back and down, and level the chin parallel to the floor. Mountain pose can be practiced with arms raised on the inhale, and the arms lowered on the exhale. Pressing palms together at the center of the heart is another safe option.
Benefits: Mountain pose enhances flexibility, assists in good posture, stengthens the lower body and stretches the upper body. This is a pose of confidence and presence, feel the emotional steadiness while embodying the beauty of a solid mountain range.
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Warrior 2 'Virabhadrasana' |
Stamina and Strength:
From Mountain pose, place hands on the hips. Step back with one leg and rotate toes out to firmly press outer aspect of foot down. Draw an imaginary line from the front heel to the middle of the back foot to help stay rooted. Align the front knee to the ankle and open hips to the side. Extend the arms horizontally and lengthen out from the center. Focus your gaze towards the front hand, keep arms level. Breathe in and out for 3-5 rounds or longer to build endurance. To release, press into the front foot and step the back foot forward, then switch sides. When complete, return to Mountain pose for a few breaths to bring the body back to center.
Stay Safe: If hamstrings are tight and front leg needs to build strength, minimize your stance to feel more in control. While adjusting alignment, breathe in to lengthen the front leg and breathe out to bend into the knee. Keep the breath moving whithin the pose. Hands can remain on the hips, with gaze focused on a stabilizing object if working with balance.
Benefits: This pose strengthens and stretches the lower body (hips, groin, legs, and ankles), while opening and expanding through the upper body (chest/lungs, shoulders, and arms).
The bravest warriors have humble, open hearts.
More to come....
Stay safe, stay healthy and stay home.
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