Monday, May 4, 2020

May the 4th Be With You

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

we held Jedi Yoga classes and workshops for kids to carry on the teachings of moving, breathing and meditating in a fun and creative way. The stories told by George Lucas in the epic saga, 'Star Wars' was based on the Zen philosophy of Mahayana Buddhism, which is all about understanding the world beyond thoughts and language. It also has roots in Taoism, which is a religion based on being true to our real nature, living in harmony with the universe, and cultivating qi, which is the energy the 'FORCE' is based on. This Life Force is our primordial energy, it creates life, and makes it grow. Other cultures in the world acknowledge this Life Force Energy as 'ki', 'prana', and 'mana'.

"The strongest stars have hearts of kyber."
Chirrut Imwe
We used 'selenite' crystals to symbolize our 'kyber' crystals, and received them upon completing Jedi challenges.
"The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, it penetrates us; 
it binds the galaxy together." 
Obi-Wan Kenobi

The main characters in the story strive toward a way of living in the 'light' which honor virtues of goodness, kindness, truth, patience and peace. Our yoga classes weaved in the yoga sutras or 'threads of knowledge', as well as Patanjali's 'eight limbs or branches of yoga to enhance the power of knowledge, wisdom, concentration, breath, balance and strength to build the merit of a modern day Jedi warrior. We had a lot of fun in the early days of 'Jedi Yoga', and in honor of our Star Wars day, here are a few ways to move with the 'Force'!

A Wing Pose
X Wing Pose

Y Wing Pose

Stand with your feet grounded into the mat, floor, or Earth for A Wing Pose. Engage the muscles that support the joints of your ankles, knees, and hips. Walk your feet out further than hip width, in a wide standing base. Once you feel strong and steady, inhale your arms up overhead. Press the palms together on the exhale. Try holding this pose for a few cycles of breathing in and out. For a challenge, keep your focus on a mantra.

A mantra is a repetitive phrase or word used to help focus the mind. 

Inhale: "I am one with the FORCE" Exhale: "The FORCE is with me"

X Wing Pose keeps the same position in the lower body, while the arms open out wider than the shoulders. Try holding this pose for a few rounds of breath. To bring movement into this pose, as if your are soaring through the sky, begin to shift the arms with the breath. Inhale arms up, exhale arms down, then coordinate the breath to move the arms side to side, as if you are navigating through asteroids. 

Walk the feet together for Y Wing Pose and stand firm with the feet aligned under the hips. When ready, inhale the arms up overhead creating the letter 'Y' with the shape of your body. Breathe in and out for 5-10 cycles. Practicing these 3 poses will lengthen the spine, build strength, steadiness, and stability in the body, and bring clear focus to the mind. Close your eyes, notice your feelings, and use the FORCE. When you feel complete, lower your arms down by your side, and try these next few poses to bring in a feeling of calm, relaxed energy.

Yoda Pose

Start to bend through your knees and lower your hips and pelvis into a classic yoga squat. Press into the feet, and try bringing the palms of your hands together. Pause, and breathe peace and patience in Yoda Pose, to awaken the Force within.

R2D2 Pose/Table pose

R2D2 Pose/Child Pose

Resting R2D2 Pose

Start in table pose, or hands and knees pose, aka R2D2 Pose. A blanket or padded mat is nice to use when resting weight on the knees. Begin to breathe into the length of the spine, while pressing down through the hands and tops of feet. Slowly rock forward and back warming up the 'squeaky' droid joints of the shoulders and hips. Exhale all the way down into child pose, resting the belly on the tops of the thighs. When ready to breathe in again, press into the hands and tops of feet and push back up into table pose. Flow in and out of R2D2 pose with the breath until you are ready to stay in Resting R2D2 pose. Stay in this pose for 5-10 cycles of breath. Observe how you feel in body and mind while breathing in and out.

BB8 Pose: Rock & Roll

Take the time to press up, cross the ankles, and sit up before gently lying down spine to mat for BB8 Pose. Draw both knees in toward your chest, and begin to rock and roll. Try rocking forward and rolling back and sway like BB8 would travel. As the movement slows, try rocking and rolling from side to side before settling in for a long resting pose. Have someone cover you with a blanket, and use props to support the weight of your body to bring in coziness and comfort. Close your eyes, and keep your mind awake, while relaxing all the muscles of your body. Set the timer for 5-10 minutes, or if you are settling in for a longer rest, listen to 'Space Meditation' on Insight Timera free guided meditation that was written and inspired by all our Jedi Yogi's.

May you be kind and peaceful.
May you be safe and healthy.
May the FORCE be with you.


  1. Glad I can be part of these memories! Lovely post. Thank you for supporting humans during this time :)

  2. Thank you! May the Force be with you!
