"Thou art the Iris, fair among the fairest, who armed with golden rod and winged with celestial azure, bearest the message of some God." H.W. Longfellow |
To be faced with only a few days left, my Aunt stayed strong, graceful, calm and somehow kept her sense of humor through it all. She was living true mindfulness with each breath, moment to moment.
Being mindful is to be fully present, aware and awake. To pay attention to each experience without resistance, without judgment, and without over analyzing. Death and grief is an unwelcome situation. It may seem that working through our grief will bring more pain, but the reality is that resisting can only deepen and prolong our pain. Any attempt to find acceptance, calm, and peace will set us free.
Whenever there is loss, there is sadness. To make sense of the situation seems to hold no solace. It doesn't make it any easier to mourn, but serves as a constant reminder of how precious and fragile life is. Say what you mean in the moment, love and let love in. Happiness and hope is the only way. A life worth living, is a life worth honoring.
sorry for your loss, Michelle.xoxox